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 Topic: Aggressive Atheism

 (Read 14381 times)
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  • Aggressive Atheism
     OP - November 28, 2009, 03:49 PM
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #1 - November 28, 2009, 04:00 PM

    what a nice polite man with such sensible arguments
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #2 - November 28, 2009, 05:03 PM

    Not bad. On the defense side, certain Christian churches and pretty good. But I'm of the opinion the world needs to move on without religions.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #3 - November 28, 2009, 05:18 PM

    I tend to agree with most of what he says, but.....its like, yo! Throw in a little comedy once in a while. Give us a smile dude. He reminds of this scary headmaster that used to be on a childrens TV show.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #4 - November 28, 2009, 05:22 PM

    what a nice polite man with such sensible arguments

    His arguments really are sensible. Don't mistake the intensity and forthrightness with which he makes them for being impoliteness. It certainly contrasts well with the bigotry and backwardness and oppressiveness of many religious advocates, including Islamic advocates, who smother the intolerance of their precepts under a smiling face and gentle words.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #5 - November 28, 2009, 05:39 PM

    I tend to agree with most of what he says, but he seems so angry all the time and the way he speaks is scary, like he's so intense.....its like, yo! Throw in a little comedy once in a while. Give us a smile dude. He reminds of this scary headmaster that used to be on a childrens TV show.

    Was a bit funny when he started making videos, taking the piss out of the catholic church and the islamists and all.  Now I find him as  annoying as a Jehova Witness at 9 am on a Sunday morning.  All right Pat, we got the point.  

    Calm down and try to fret less my dear...  Yes religion is like a street thug, but I do hope you are not advocating that we agnostics and atheists become the same thing as well.    Wasn't it Nietzche who said that people who fight monsters should be careful of becoming monsters themselves?  Plain open defiance and total disregard of their feelings and 'truths' is quite enough.  

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #6 - November 28, 2009, 05:45 PM

    Pat Condell  worship

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  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #7 - November 28, 2009, 05:57 PM

    I love Pat - yes he's rude, arrogant and all that - but I still love him - we need someone to stick it to religions with no apologies!  Afro
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #8 - November 28, 2009, 06:16 PM

    I tend to agree with most of what he says, but.....its like, yo! Throw in a little comedy once in a while. Give us a smile dude. He reminds of this scary headmaster that used to be on a childrens TV show.

    He is getting a bit scary, I think maybe a little bit off his rocker too in a paranoid kind of way. He seems to feel threatened beyond a reasonable limit.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #9 - November 28, 2009, 07:07 PM

    I think people here tend to take Pat as some kind of a prophet who represents the non-belief community. I don't see why. He's not funny, and his arguments are even worse. Watching two girls one cup is worth more of people's time than watching this jackass. Just my two cents.

    Call me TAP TAP! for I am THE ASS PATTER!
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #10 - November 28, 2009, 07:11 PM

    He could lighten up a bit. grin12  He makes good points but he does bang on a bit.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #11 - November 28, 2009, 07:52 PM

    We should have a Pat Contest (you have jester of the month, poster of the month, ect...)
    Do Pat Condell of the month.
    Whoever can make the best/most pissed off antireligion rant wins.

    The foundation of superstition is ignorance, the
    superstructure is faith and the dome is a vain hope. Superstition
    is the child of ignorance and the mother of misery.
    -Robert G. Ingersoll (1898)

     "Do time ninjas have this ability?" "Yeah. Only they stay silent and aren't douchebags."  -Ibl
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #12 - November 28, 2009, 08:51 PM

    hmm it's one of the better. But he gets off in the wrong direction once or twice.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #13 - November 28, 2009, 08:58 PM

    I fucking love Pat Condell.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #14 - November 29, 2009, 11:47 AM

    I do not know about what Nietzche said since i did not read the whole context, however i find it common for people going against the koran to get sucked in the hate & fear that this book is actively preaching. I do not mean the muslims will get sucked in, I mean the anti-muslims. At one point, each anti-islamist should know when to stand back and take a vacation.

    I am not sure about the other religions since i did not get involved in long term debate against them.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #15 - November 30, 2009, 01:19 PM

    anyone checked out his website - its hilarious

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  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #16 - November 30, 2009, 01:56 PM

    If he is trying to be another George Carlin, then he should stop because he has become more like an angry preacher than anything else.

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #17 - November 30, 2009, 02:13 PM

    anyone checked out his website - its hilarious

    A handful of the "tasteful" comments on his  website :

    ur just a ignornat whtie son of a bitch that needs to b bheaded wid a blunt knife


    i don't care about religioists. i know where you live and i'm coming to shove a coke bottle up your old pathetic ass and rape all the women of your family. i can't believe i pay taxed for old impotent farts like you. satan bless ameri-fuck-ca.


    The entire time I watched your video on youtube, I was shooting you a bird you piece of fucking shit. I hope you die today in a horrible fiery car crash with a full tank of gas. Fuck YOU.


    i cannot fucking wait until you die (which will be probably soon) and stand before your creator. I bet that would scare ur little gay accent right out of you. I am 100% sure ur gay. Just by the way u look.


    why don't you kill yourself white bastard? or do you want me to do it?
    do you have a white daughter to rape and molest?
    or are you scared your number is decreasing you redneck?


    i saw your videos and their fuckn bullshit you white cunt, come link me up in birmingham lets discuss this in person you motherfucker


    fuck u !! and fuck all the zionist christian and atheist like u ! u are an ignorant mother fucker extremist ! u are a terrorist old man! u are a son of a bitch ! fuck u and fuck every body loves u ! if i see u in the streets i swear i am going to cut ur head off


    Fuck you old bastard watch out buddy cause am coming we have lots of people where you live jihad is declared on you bitch you dont ever insult islam or prophet muhammad(pbuh) sorry old bastard but i hope you had a fun time on earth cause your going to hell with the christians jews and athiest



    i hope u die... very painfully


    u son of a hoe ur mama shouldve aborted u when u were in her womb,if she hadnt and i waz alive dat time i would punched her right dere so u couldve died... FUCK UUUUUUU!!!!!


    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #18 - November 30, 2009, 04:07 PM

    If he is trying to be another George Carlin, then he should stop because he has become more like an angry preacher than anything else.

    From what I read in his website, he WAS a stand-up comedian and then gave up.

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #19 - November 30, 2009, 04:24 PM

    A handful of the "tasteful" comments on his  website :


    Oh boy! Makes me respect Pat even more!

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #20 - November 30, 2009, 04:41 PM

    What makes me wonder is why he does not take some of these threats seriously?  His face must be known by now and I would be surpised if he does not face any hostilities on the street?

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  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #21 - November 30, 2009, 04:53 PM

    What I find particularly repulsive is this :

    why don't you kill yourself white bastard? or do you want me to do it?
    do you have a white daughter to rape and molest?
    or are you scared your number is decreasing you redneck?


    I do not know if P.C. has a daughter, but if he does, what has she done ?

    Reminds me of that case in Pakistan where a young boy had offended a family and in retaliation they gang banged his sister.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #22 - November 30, 2009, 05:04 PM

    Shocking - what can anyone do or say?  Thankfully we dont have any affiliation to that club anymore, if anything we are on the opposite side

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  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #23 - November 30, 2009, 05:41 PM

    IsLame, they just express most fully what the majority of Muslims feel at some level about anyone who objectively scrutinises and confronts aspects of Islam, and anyone who does not bow down in awe at the 'beauty' of Islam and all that jive. Not to mention, the worst of the worst, the lowest of the lowest, the scum of the scum, the most evil of the evil -- those who reject and abandon and 'apostate' from Islam.

    A book needs to be written about this psychosis.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #24 - November 30, 2009, 05:52 PM

    there must be a name for the psychological condition?

    a bit like having a friend who befriended another, having a partner who cheated on someone else, a child who's parent left their home

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  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #25 - November 30, 2009, 06:37 PM

    He's not funny.
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #26 - November 30, 2009, 07:13 PM

    From what I read in his website, he WAS a stand-up comedian and then gave up.

    He's not funny.

    and now we know why

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #27 - November 30, 2009, 07:20 PM

    What makes me wonder is why he does not take some of these threats seriously?  His face must be known by now and I would be surpised if he does not face any hostilities on the street?

    because apart from being an internet celebrity, Pat Condell really has no street value or credibility.

    You think in a country where Abu Hamza, Omar Bakri, and Anjem Chowdhry and their followers have taken root, they would take him seriously and fatwa Condell's ass.

    But they havent. Why? because its the internet and they think he is just a rabid attention seeker on the internet rather than be anything serious outside.

    I personally dont hate Condell, I find some of points valid a lot, but his polemic ranting raving and angry-granny act is not amusing at all. He is just the opposite end of the extreme....and I despise people who are extreme at ANYTHING.

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #28 - November 30, 2009, 07:24 PM

    I think Pat Condell's rants are awesome and he can be quite funny too. Though his sharp tongue and hard edge will inevitably turn some off.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Aggressive Atheism
     Reply #29 - November 30, 2009, 07:36 PM

    I think Pat Condell's rants are awesome and he can be quite funny too. Though his sharp tongue and hard edge will inevitably turn some off.

    Pish...  If you really wanted to hear religion being verbally abused in such a way that it makes droplets of piss trickle down your knees you should have been with me at one of my favourite drinking holes, 4 years ago.  All though people there mainly stuck to dissing the Catholic religion for the obvious reason that the country is one of the last bastions of Catholicism before you end up in the Maghreb.  Now its changed and its full of cunts.

    Other then that come and listen to some of our bus drivers or builders as they earn their daily bread, although with them its more of a habit rather than a malicious intent.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
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