Since I consider a Quran based islam as the only version of islam that makes sense, I will take a stab at those ones...
For Quranists
Why do you deny the hadith?
Because they have no authority as per Quran.
Is it because you're ashamed that your prophet was a mass-murdering pedophile?
See: Does it bother you that even without the hadith, the Qur'an sanctions pedophilia, domestic abuse, and many other crimes? Shouldn't you embrace your apostasy and get rid of the Qur'an?
See the above site for example.
Why do some of you accept the hadiths that make Muhammad look good and reject the ones that make him look bad? Do you enjoy being intellectually dishonest?
afaik "Quranists" do not accept any Hadith, as they are a mix of truth and falsehood.
The historical evidence for Muhammad is found in the hadith and sirat. If you do not accept these sources, how do you know your prophet ever existed?
Cause "Quranists" accept Quran and its in there he existed. Besides, the message is what makes a messenger, not the person.
If you reject the hadith, you lose the whole context and order of the Qur'anic revelations. So is there no compulsion in religion or do you have to slay the idolaters wherever you find them? Should I flip a coin?
Read the context of those verses, as they are about self-defence.
Why would Allah protect the Qur'an, but allow his entire ummah for 1000+ years to be led astray by corrupted hadith? Doesn't that make his protection worthless?
Not if his protection is only in regard to Quran. Protecting a people from being misled is illogical and impinged upon free-choice.
I've never met a Quranist in real life. Are you really an embarrassed Sunni who likes to call yourself a "Quranist" when you're on the net?
Apparently there are many in Egypt, Malaysia but they are generally scattered throughout the world. The earliest muslims rejected Hadith as a source of law, this is fact.
Why do you believe the Qur'an is the uncorrupted word of God, when the narrators of corrupted hadith are the same people who passed down the Qur'an?
This is a common myth. The narration, memorisation, recording of Quran was significantly different to Hadith, as testified to in Traditional Islamic history. No companions of Muhammad wrote Hadith first hand that have survived today afaik. In fact, Caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar for example are recorded as burning their hadith collections, and of others.
The Qur'an never explain how to offer salat. Who taught you how to pray?
There are variant approaches to salat amongst Quranists, but the Quran does seem to point to a more basic/individualised salat/link. Some have attempted to reconstruct the prayer from Quran, e.g. Edip Yuksel or sites.
The Qur'an says there should be 3 daily prayers. Who told you to pray 5 times?
It was originally two according to Tradition, then after the alleged night journey they changed to 5. This is not in Quran however. 5 seems to be a Zoroastrian corruption.
The Qur'an mentions Abu Lahab. Who is he and why does Allah hate him? (Remember; no peeking at corrupted hadith)
"abu lahab" literally means "father (of) flame" and it is an archetype for those who hate and fuel the flames etc.
Does it make you feel sad knowing that most Muslim thinks you follow a cult and that you're a kafir?
Funnily according to the Quran, majority means nothing.
What's it like being in an obscure cult? Do you have a secret handshake? Do all ten of you get together on Halloween and dance naked around an open fire?
A secret handshake would be cool!
Why accuse the Sunnis and Shi'ites, who've been following hadith for 1000+ years, of innovation, when it's you who's the innovator? Isn't that just a little bit hypocritical?
This is one of the biggest myths amongst Muslims. Rejection of hadith was common and mainstream in early Islam, this is fact based on Traditional islamic history itself. See michael cook or aisha musa's work.
What did Muhammad look like? How many wives did he have and what were their names? What were the names of his children? How old was he when he first received his prophethood? When and how did he die? Do you even know anything about your prophet?
Quranists only concern themselves with what is relevant to salvation/guidance, they dont care about things like if he had a beard and how long it was and how often he clipped his toenails etc.
When you perform Hajj, would you dare announce that you're a Quranist or would it be your dirty little secret?
afaik al hajj is an entirely different construct when compared to traditional islam.
Why do you accept the revelations given to someone who you know nothing about?
The veracity of a truth is not based on the person saying it. A truth stands on its own.
Did you know that Rashad Khalifa was a lying pedophile and rapist just like your prophet before him?
Again, a common myth is that Rashad Khalifa somehow is the founder of Quranists lol He certainly seems to have caused it to grow in recent times but thats about it.
If you don't accept the history behind the compilation of the Qur'an, what makes it different from any other poorly written Medieval text? How do you know that (like The True Furqan) its not an old parody?
poorly written? Well i dont know about that, but i do know non-Muslim professors of language/Arabic consider it to be a superlative example of Arabic prose. This is well known.
It does mention many stories from the bible however, but that is because it considers itself a continuation and completion/clarification of previous scripture.