You know if I was a member at FFI and still a muslim, I would remain a muslim. Out of spite. I have never been to a university where a professor starts degrading me or a group of people. There is a way of criticizing a religion (Islam in this case) with out insulting its adherents.
Its only understandable, its what victimised communities do. Jews now even include atheist Jews amongst themselves.
Victims turn to each other in times of oppression. It seems the bullied are now becoming the bullies. But they are not bullying the actual bullies, but sidekicks of the bullies, those "who were simply following orders".
Rather than attempting to empathise with their plight, this strategy can only make these muslims close ranks even further, its sad because people like debunker have often been living on the fringes of their communities up until this point anyway. Muslims have turned away from FFI in disgust and got the impression that those against Islam are truly satanic, as the quran correctly forewarned them.
Nice work - you would probably do a better job masquerading as Muslims

Many of us here are exmuslims, we know what arguments would or would not work. Ask yourselves, if you were ex-hindus or ex-christians or ex-anything, would pure xenophbic hatred have helped you leave your religions any quicker or delayed the process.
As exmuslims, Hassan, I & BlackDog are telling you, your strategy is not the best one and I hope you bear it some consideration. Particularly your moderators, who effectively control the tone & culture of your site, a role that should be taken very seriously indeed.