Oh bullshit. I don't know how it works in Malta, but in the US the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Chinese, Mexicans, Salvadorans, Brazilians, Haitians, Nigerians, Congolese, Liberians, Eritreans-- the vast majority of all of them bust ass. Maybe people come to Malta to sit on their asses, but people come to this country to make money.
Actually many weren't intending to come here. They usually only get to know that we exist after they are towed in by our patrol boats. Many of them originally want to go to France and Uk, to get exploited over there, but the boats they travel in are not worthy to say the least and they end up sinking in our territorial waters. That is why we are obliged by law to save them and take them to our country. No one wants them and we end up getting used as a dumping ground. Before Maroni negotiated with Ghaddafi, the traffickers were even using these laws to their own advantage towing illegals on rickety boats to our waters and leaving them there for us to pick them up, because we have to and trying to make the country into a gateway to the EU.
Well, if they have an asylum case pending then their status isn't exactly that of an "illegal immigrant", now is it?
The thing is that every fecker that comes here can apply for asylum and say that they are seeking it. Even you can. Now since these people come without passports, separating the genuine cases from the bogus ones (the majority) is a long and tedious process. And during this time the illegals are here and being provided for by our finances.
BULL-FUCKING-SHIT. And this is a case where I will not defer to your opinions over what should happen in your own country, because labor unions exist to represent workers NOT workers of a certain nationality. Labor unions have a moral obligation to represent any worker within their jurisdiction, no matter where they came from or how they got there.
No not bull-fucking-shit. I am not talking about nationality here, i am talking about ILLEGALITY. I specifically stated that non local workers that come here LEGALLY, through the right channels and accepted are entitled to the same rights as locals. People who break the law are not, irrelevant of where they come from.
We'll see if you still feel that way when you're approaching retirement age and the government tells you you have to work another 10 years because there isn't enough pension money to cover you.
I was never brought up with the mentality that working was a curse. My grandfather resented having to stop working when he had to retire. He still kept himself active till he had to be hospitalised because of an accident that happened to him while he was working (he was 69 when it happened). He now doesn't have to endure being bed ridden anymore as he died a few years after it happened. I hope to follow his example
What I'm saying is that if capital has full mobility (which, with the proliferation of free-trade agreements, is increasingly becoming the case all over the world), then labor should have full mobility too.
What about the locals who benefit from that capital? They weren't benefiting from it when it wasn't in their country Why should people remain chained to only a few types of income? Why shouldn't we be trained in the arts of entrepreneurship? I believe in that quite a lot. It would stop economies from having to depend on certain services and companies.