I'm going to write a letter to her today, covering all the points I did note down before I ran out of the room, and also saying I want to make a formal complaint that I was made to go in without representation, and that the judge only spoke to me as an afterthought, where he said "Oops, I suppose I better speak to the mother" (his face said it all)
W_T_F_! Translation: "Oh shit, I just remembered that I'm supposed to be impartial and act like there might be two sides to this case."
That's exactly how it came across.
Oh, I forgot to add, one of the shocking moments was when the cafcass officer said "With the level of severe abuse mr ***** inflicted on Ms ****, and in turn the severe abuse Ms ***** inflicted on Mr *****"
when I have a finding of facts against my ex proving that everytime he said I was the violent one he was lying, and making it up as he went along. The judge says everything I said turned out to be true and backed up with evidence and that I presented as extremely honest" so WTF did she mean?
Another worker who met with the cafcass officer says she presents as being biased in favour of my ex, which I would agree with, and now the new judge is the same.
The last judge I know wasn't completely giving me what I wanted, but he also wasn't giving my ex what he wanted either, he had seen my ex making faces, he had seen proof of the lies and the violence, he also wanted more details on my depression so that he could factor that in when deciding about access.
The new judge is shit
Good thing is my solicitor says her first move when she is financed will be to apply to have it taken to a higher court, because that's where we will win.