Sounds like he care about you, bit puzzled as to why you dont want to further things with him? Leaving aside recent events, dont you fancy him, or do you dislike him?
I don't fancy him anymore. Whatever interest I had in him has gone, completely. If I was to give him a second chance I would feel trapped and miserable. Not because of him being a bad person, but just simply because it's over to me.
Honestly it does make me somewhat sad to see that the person I was before I married, is still part of who I am now.
I had a fair share of boyfriends long before I met my ex, and suffice to say that my interest was short lived back then too. Infact I have found myself wondering recently if the only reason I remained with my ex for so long was because I was afraid of him.
He actually physically wouldn;t let me go even though I longed to leave him 6 months after I met him. Did I love him? was I just forced to be with him? I don't even know now. He would hit me if I even suggested I didn't think we should be together anymore. He would refuse to leave, lock my door, make my life a living hell until I caved and took him back.
I do know that I lose interest quickly, I wish I didn't, but I am searching for something I have yet to find in anyone. I'm an idealist and people rapidly turn out to be less than ideal. Yes, I know that rationally this is silly.
Infact if I compare it to how I make friends, I should be with a guy how I am in that situation. I make friends and can lose interest in them just as quickly, however the longer I have known a friend, the longer they have made an effort to be a part of my life, the more they fall into the part of me that actually loves people.
The longer I have known them the more likely I am to be the one who phones to say "how are you, I miss you, lets do something".
The only reason it works well with friends is because I can fade out without having to break up with them, and when my interest in them returns I can return without awkward explanations or expectations.
Or the ones that simply make sure they don't let me forget them when I;m off doing something else, which happens often, they are the friends I learn to cherish.
Men, relationships, that's another story. Too many expectations on their parts.