I can't believe there's a Muslim trying to get us to revert (or should that be re-revert!).
It's great, I can enjoy arguing with them here.
Muslims hold a vast plethora of absurd beliefs such as:
- a personal God who is: omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient etc (and btw some of these are self-contradictory)
- creationism (in particular that humans came from Adam and Eve)
- heaven, hell and life after death
- angels, the devil and jinns
- devine predestination/fate
- the day of judgement
- the evil eye
- the miracles of all the prophets
- the ascention and second coming of Jesus as well as his virgin birth
- punishment of the grave
- and many more...
Ahmed, if you want us to believe all this, please provide some
proper scientific evidence for each and every one of these claims. Of course, these claims are so absurd that there's not a hope in hell that any of them can be proven.
I mean, in science, if someone wants to claim that Bigfoot exists, they have to provide a specimen for other scientists to scrutinise. Otherwise we assume it doesn't exist. Search the internet for the 'Baloney Detection Kit' video by Michael Shermer.
From the list above I'll pick just one of the beliefs. Let's make it easy, Jinns. Why should we assume they exist when there's absolutely no scientific evidence for their existence?? Remember, there's an infinite number of different possible things that
could exist, but we scientists only believe what we can prove scientifically, otherwise where do you stop?? Muslims are very quick to laugh off other religion's beliefs as absurd, but they never question their own.
You keep making claims like "oh this scientist said this the Quran is right therfore it is". I'm sorry, we don't blindly follow authority, we follow the evidence. And we check the evidence rigourously. Again, see the Baloney Detection Kit video.
Carl Sagan said:
"To understand complex issues, we must free our minds of dogma and guarantee the freedom to publish, to contradict, and to experiment. Arguments from authority are unacceptable."