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 Topic: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships

 (Read 110230 times)
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  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #540 - June 08, 2010, 01:28 PM

    So... it's 2010. Can someone tell me why the West had to remove Saddam?

    I can answer why Iraqis had to remove Saddam. Anybody wanna try with the above question?

  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #541 - June 08, 2010, 01:31 PM

    Yeah that's easy. It's coz GawdTM wanted to bring democracy to the Middle East innit.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #542 - June 08, 2010, 03:00 PM

    So... it's 2010. Can someone tell me why the West had to remove Saddam?

    Read William Shawcross´book and you shall know.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #543 - June 08, 2010, 05:19 PM

    it was justified in 1948. before 1948 the land that Jews held were legitimate. but wars create another privileges. as the say "To victory goes the spoils". need to consider the point that Israel did not initiated the wars.

    I have to agree with. The Jews purchased the lands and properties lawfully and at inflated prices. No Palestinian who was living at the time would deny that.

    But still, don't forget the exodus and the leveling of Arab properties.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #544 - June 08, 2010, 06:04 PM

    Not saying it should have been. But if it had to be established, a binational state would've been the best possible setup.

    bold is my emphasis

    So what were the circumstances that Israel had to be established?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Quote from: MrSilly
    Would this have ever been acceptable to the key founders of Israel? Why not one nation? Why the need for division?I have no answe to this question.

     I'm not sufficiently knowledgeable on the history of that period. But my guess is if the Arabs were more flexible it could have been possible.

    Why should they have been flexible? When al-Muhajiroun demands that Britain become an Islamic state, should the British people be flexible and allow Tower Hamlets become an Islamic state?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Quote from: MrSilly
    Why 1967 borders? Why not 1948?

    Why only East Jerusalem? Why not Haifa for example?

    Why is the right of return for Palestinian refugees not on offer?

    If right of return is not offered, how will the compensation level be determined?

    I'm not gonna lie to you the only reason why I said 67 and not 48 is feasibility.

    And who/what determine's feasibility? Whatever happened to the rule of law?

    What is the incentive for Israel to concede any of their (illigitimatly acheived) gains, if this vague and flexible notion of "feasibility" seems to trump all. After all, its the Israelis themselves that seem to determine what is feasible, and what is not.
    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Same thing with the right of return. The only just solution is for Israel to offer the full right of return.
     However, with that being nearly impossible I would welcome financial compensation if Israel offered it as long as Israel acknowledges the right of the new Palestinian state to total control of its immigration policy.

    So when a Islamist father who insists that it is unfeasible and impossible for his daughters to ever possibily go to school for fear of boys/infidels might see/corrupt them, and so demands a separate Islamic only Girls school, is it therefore the best option to give in an provide this separate school?
    Whatever happened to human rights and the rule of law?

    And with regard to compensation. How is the value of compensation determined. Prime Israeli real estate in town and city centres which was built on stolen Palestinian land; is today's value offered? Or do Palestinian get to set the price? What's the system for this?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Which is why I think it should be amended. I'm against any unilateral change of the status of Jerusalem. It's an occupied city as far as I'm concerned. I embrace the corpus separatum.

    How is Jerusalem anymore "occupied" than any other part of Israel?

    And my point in bringing up the Israeli constitution enforcing the unity of Jersusalem and its status of being Israel's capital, was the demonstraing that the constitutions of both "sides" have "obstructive" language within them.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #545 - June 08, 2010, 06:06 PM

    There's a bit of a logical disconnect going on here. If you're going to argue for moral absolutes and say that Palestinians have a right to land they used to hold, then how can you argue against Zionists who argue that the Jews have a right to land they used to hold? They are basically using the same argument.

    Where's the evidence that Jews held that land?

    And where's the evidence that specific Jews claiming specific pieces of land today have any inheritance rights to that land?
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #546 - June 08, 2010, 07:03 PM

    But still, don't forget the exodus and the leveling of Arab properties.

    these were not separate entity. they were part of pan-Arabism. they were involved in fighting Jews. perhaps there were these who deserve not same fate.
    and at that time Jews from Islamic/Arab states suffered same consequences of war. war does not distinguish between good Israeli/Arab to bad Israeli/Arab.

  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #547 - June 08, 2010, 07:36 PM

  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #548 - June 08, 2010, 10:12 PM

    Egyptian lawmaker slammed for speaking of beaten troops

    Muslim Brotherhood MP Mohamed Beltagy, who was on Gaza-bound flotilla, recounts snatching of Navy soldiers. Egyptian newspapers not pleased with bragging, says it 'helps Israel'
    Roee Nahmias

    A storm has been kicked up in Egyptian media after experiences on the flotilla are recounted. The version of events on the Gaza-bound flotilla as heard by an Egyptian member of parliament have evoked the ire of a number of state-run media outlets in the country because, they claim, the stories help Israeli PR efforts.
    An Egyptian member of parliament from the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Beltagy, took part in the flotilla to the Gaza Strip that was commandeered by the Israeli Navy. After participating in the clashes on the deck of the Mavi Marmara, he was arrested by Israel and later released to Egypt.

    On Tuesday of last week, he was interviewed on the
    "10 at Night"

     program on the Egyptian channel Dream. During the interview, he said that the flotilla participants overtook three Israeli commandos and snatched their weapons from them. This admission of employing force against IDF soldiers has evoked a media storm among Egyptian columnists, who claim this was a
    "public relations gift to Israel."

    Under the headline
    "The Muslim Brotherhood's Gift to Israel,"

     columnist Abdullah Kamal criticized Beltagy's admission.
    "He said that he and those with him on the ship overtook three Israeli commando soldiers who had broken onto the ship and took control of their weapons. He boasted of this without understanding that he is granting Israel a massive, recorded gift that it will gain benefit from in the commission of inquiry it will carry out following the massacre."

    In the column, published in the Egyptian newspaper Rosalyousef, Kamal continued,
    "Israel said that it was faced with armed men on the ship and that it was thus forced to clash with them. The parliament member said that he and those with him took over the commando's weapon and denied that he and those with him were civilians who had not committed violent acts.

    "Perhaps everyone will see the video clip of the action that was leaked to the media and includes images of an Israeli soldier jumping onto the boat and then being chased and beaten. This is precisely what Israel wants – to prove its excuses from a legal perspective."

    Neither did Kamal spare the Turks of criticism:
    "Turkey does not want the best for the Palestinians, but is interested in using the Palestinian card for the sake of its own objectives. The most important of them is to be the intermediary between the West and the East, which would grant it the ability to join the European Union."


    Kamal also came out against the political party of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and wrote,
    "The Justice and Development Party, which is lead by Erdogan, is at its root part of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a party that wanted to present itself as the new and modern version of political Islam and merge Islam and ideology. However, reality made it into a hostage of ideology. Reality is what revealed its nature as a group that belongs to the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood."

    The daily newspaper el-Gomhuriah also did not spare the parliament member.
    "This is dangerous talk that serves Israel. Beltagy returned Tuesday to the Gaza Strip in order 'to show his support.' He took part in the delegation of nine Egyptian parliament members, seven of whom are Muslim Brothers, that crossed Rafah Crossing into the Gaza Strip in order to show their support and meet with senior Hamas officials.",2506,L-3902389,00.html
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #549 - June 08, 2010, 10:43 PM
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #550 - June 08, 2010, 11:52 PM

    Where's the evidence that Jews held that land?

    And where's the evidence that specific Jews claiming specific pieces of land today have any inheritance rights to that land?

    I'm happy to admit that they most likely did not hold all that some of them claim to have held. There is a lot of pure mythology in the Talmud/OT and restoring the mythical kingdom of David is not a sensible aim for the 21st century.

    However they undoubtedly did hold quite a bit according to what modern archaeology can tell us. Basically they were the original, indigenous people of Judaea. If you want solid and obvious evidence take the temple in Jerusalem. It was built by Jews all by themselves. Yet funnily enough, these days it is claimed by Islam.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #551 - June 09, 2010, 06:14 AM

    bold is my emphasis

    So what were the circumstances that Israel had to be established?

    The Holocaust and WWII among other things. I would've preferred a part of Germany but alas it was Palestine.

    Why should they have been flexible? When al-Muhajiroun demands that Britain become an Islamic state, should the British people be flexible and allow Tower Hamlets become an Islamic state?

    Well you make a good point but the difference is that Palestine was not a sovereign state at the time. And the Jews had already legally purchased vast amount of property. A better analogy would be Kurdish independence from Iraq which I would support under the right circumstances.

    And who/what determine's feasibility? Whatever happened to the rule of law?

    What is the incentive for Israel to concede any of their (illigitimatly acheived) gains, if this vague and flexible notion of "feasibility" seems to trump all. After all, its the Israelis themselves that seem to determine what is feasible, and what is not.

    I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying the territorial expansion of '67 was legitimate. It's just that with the current state of affairs, '67 borders is the best thing the Palestinians can get.

    So when a Islamist father who insists that it is unfeasible and impossible for his daughters to ever possibily go to school for fear of boys/infidels might see/corrupt them, and so demands a separate Islamic only Girls school, is it therefore the best option to give in an provide this separate school?
    Whatever happened to human rights and the rule of law?

    Again I'm trying to come up with an implementable solution to the Palestinians. When it comes to international law and human rights, the full right of return is probably the only just solution.

    And with regard to compensation. How is the value of compensation determined. Prime Israeli real estate in town and city centres which was built on stolen Palestinian land; is today's value offered? Or do Palestinian get to set the price? What's the system for this?

    That can only be answered by experts and the negotiators on both sides.

    How is Jerusalem anymore "occupied" than any other part of Israel?

    East Jerusalem was occupied in '67 and is still considered an occupied territory under international law. The UN does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over East Jerusalem. Whereas the "other parts" of Israel are within the '48 borders and are under full Israeli sovereignty.

    And my point in bringing up the Israeli constitution enforcing the unity of Jersusalem and its status of being Israel's capital, was the demonstraing that the constitutions of both "sides" have "obstructive" language within them.

    Without a doubt.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #552 - June 09, 2010, 06:52 AM

    I take correction on the hamas Israeli collaboration
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #553 - June 09, 2010, 07:21 AM

    these were not separate entity.

    Palestinian Arabs were separate from other Arabs because Palestine was their land where they had their homes, properties, businesses, and heritage.

    they were part of pan-Arabism. they were involved in fighting Jews. perhaps there were these who deserve not same fate.
    and at that time Jews from Islamic/Arab states suffered same consequences of war. war does not distinguish between good Israeli/Arab to bad Israeli/Arab.

  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #554 - June 09, 2010, 07:54 AM

    The massacres aren't really relevant, because there were massacres done by both sides. In fact, there were massacres of Jews before there were any massacres of Arabs.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #555 - June 09, 2010, 11:44 AM
    Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim lands
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #556 - June 09, 2010, 11:50 AM

    the pictures of the Golden Gate

    an interesting info:

    The Golden Gate, as it is called in Christian literature, is the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah (שכינה) (Divine Presence) used to appear through this gate, and will appear again when the Messiah comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3) and a new gate replaces the present one; that is why Jews used to pray for mercy at the former gate at this location.[1] Hence the name Sha'ar Harachamim (שער הרחמים), the Gate of Mercy. In Christian apocryphal texts, the gate was the scene of a meeting between the parents of Mary, so that Joachim and Anne Meeting at the Golden Gate became a standard subject in cycles depicting the Life of the Virgin. It is also said that Jesus passed through this gate on Palm Sunday. In Arabic, it is known as the Gate of Eternal Life. In ancient times, the gate was known as the Beautiful Gate.

    Remains of a much older gate dating to the times of the Second Jewish Temple were found.[2] The present one was probably built in the 520s AD, as part of Justinian I's building program in Jerusalem, on top of the ruins of the earlier gate in the wall. An alternate theory holds that it was built in the later part of the 7th century by Byzantine artisans employed by the Umayyad khalifs.

    The gate is located in the middle of the eastern side of the Temple Mount. The portal in this position was believed to have been used for ritual purposes in biblical times.

    In Jewish tradition, this is the gate through which the Messiah will enter Jerusalem. Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 to prevent the Messiah's entrance. The Muslims also built a cemetery in front of the gate, in the belief that the precursor to the Messiah, Elijah, would not be able to pass through, since he is a Kohen. This belief is erroneous because a Kohen is permitted to enter a cemetery in which primarily non-Jews are buried.

    The Golden Gate is one of the few sealed gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls, along with the Huldah Gates, and a small Biblical and Crusader-era postern located several stories above ground on the southern side of the eastern wall.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #557 - June 09, 2010, 11:54 AM

    ygalg can I ask you about your religious convictions? or lack of?

    if you're not religious, then why? what made you disbelieve?

    and what does your username mean?
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #558 - June 09, 2010, 11:54 AM

    there was no Palestine then nor now. perhaps in the future we may introduce to a new entity called Palestine. in the meantime the only Palestine exist it's in Texas.
    it was admitted by the founders of the idea Palestine, that it was no more than to be a tool for greater purpose.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #559 - June 09, 2010, 12:16 PM

    Statements from Iraqi Atheist:
    Palestinian Arabs were separate from other Arabs because Palestine was their land where they had their homes, properties, businesses, and heritage.

    what kind of Palestinian Arabheritage they used to have  before Islam and what heritage they have now  I_A?

    Where did they get this type of heritage?


    Erdogan says this Palestine's Mosques are Islamic and cannot be part of Israel's heritage Turkish premier Recep Erdogan stressed Sunday that the mosques in occupied Palestine, atop of them the Aqsa Mosque, had never been and would not be part of the Jewish heritage, but rather they were always Islamic holy sites.

    Palestine Mosque leaders say this

    Clearly he is speaking  a chapter from the Koran  that says annihilation of the Jews and the State of Israel before the establishment of the Grand Caliphate.

    The  well knownIslamic doctrine of Fitra  is always applied by the proponents of political Islam . In effect under Fitra all are born Muslim. Not only that but all Jewish and Christian prophets are Muslim. Furthermore, Islam ignores any prior standing of Judaism or Christianity. Anything of value in the texts of Jews and Christians has been abrogated by the Qu’ran.

    Well accepted  law of Islam Tawheed is  Islam's  is a central doctrine and  belief in Allah and Mohammad are inseparable along with that holy book Quran

     The doctrine of Al-Walaa wa Al Baraa  forces all  Muslims obey the will of Allah and his prophet Mohammad by demonstrating perpetual enmity eternally towards their enemies, the Jews, The Christians,  the pagans, or any one who questions Islam and its politics  which actually come from Quran itself.

    So the question is , with all that there in Islam and in the mind of billion Muslims  what chance the 10 million Jews of Israel have to protect their future in their ancestor's land unless all become Muslims or move out of that place??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #560 - June 09, 2010, 06:59 PM

    I'm happy to admit that they most likely did not hold all that some of them claim to have held. There is a lot of pure mythology in the Talmud/OT and restoring the mythical kingdom of David is not a sensible aim for the 21st century.

    However they undoubtedly did hold quite a bit according to what modern archaeology can tell us. Basically they were the original, indigenous people of Judaea. If you want solid and obvious evidence take the temple in Jerusalem. It was built by Jews all by themselves. Yet funnily enough, these days it is claimed by Islam.

    Yes, but where is the evidence that these individual Jews claiming land in the region have any individual right to individual pieces of land that they are claiming?
    The basis for you argument seems to be based on genetics, archeology and religious texts. Hardly supporting evidence.

    There have been population movements of ethnic groups across regions for millenia. Do members of these ethnic groups have some sort of genetic right to claim land of their previous lands?

    Do you support the return of Jewish property looted during the Holocaust?
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #561 - June 09, 2010, 07:18 PM

    please explain ur avatar mrsilly

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #562 - June 09, 2010, 07:55 PM

    The Holocaust and WWII among other things. I would've preferred a part of Germany but alas it was Palestine.

    Why does this tragedy justify the creation of a Jewish state? Create a state for Gypsies? Bahai?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Quote from: MrSilly
    Why should they have been flexible? When al-Muhajiroun demands that Britain become an Islamic state, should the British people be flexible and allow Tower Hamlets become an Islamic state?

    Well you make a good point but the difference is that Palestine was not a sovereign state at the time.

    Am not entirely sure how this is relevant. So Palestinian are punished twice; first for having their sovereignty violated by British colonists, then then having that lack of soverignty used as a reason for them to have their land stolen.
    To start, the colonialism was illegitimate, therefore their lack of sovereinty was illigitimate, and it is therefore not a legitimate reason to justify Jewish immigrants' carving up of the territory.

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheists
    And the Jews had already legally purchased vast amount of property. A better analogy would be Kurdish independence from Iraq which I would support under the right circumstances.

    I don't think it is a better analogy, because the Kurdish indepdendance issue is a issue of national liberation and self determination of a region from central government. Israel was created out of Arab territory to be flooded with Jewish immigrants. Hardly comparable to the issue facing Iraqi Kurds.

    A better analogy of the Iraq/Kurdistan situation to Israel/Palestine would be the creation of an Arab state from the city of Mosul.

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Quote from: MrSilly
    And who/what determine's feasibility? Whatever happened to the rule of law?

    What is the incentive for Israel to concede any of their (illigitimatly acheived) gains, if this vague and flexible notion of "feasibility" seems to trump all. After all, its the Israelis themselves that seem to determine what is feasible, and what is not.

    I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying the territorial expansion of '67 was legitimate. It's just that with the current state of affairs, '67 borders is the best thing the Palestinians can get.

    And again, who/what determine's this feasibility of what the best Palestinians can get?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    Again I'm trying to come up with an implementable solution to the Palestinians.

    And who is making the just solutions unimplementable?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    ]When it comes to international law and human rights, the full right of return is probably the only just solution.

    And what is preventing this just solution from being realised?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    East Jerusalem was occupied in '67 ......

    Erm, the land of the State of Irael was occupied in 1948. How is that any different from the aquisition of land in 1967

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    ......and is still considered an occupied territory under international law

    Under international law or international legal opinion?

    Quote from: Iraqi Atheist
    The UN does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over East Jerusalem. Whereas the "other parts" of Israel are within the '48 borders and are under full Israeli sovereignty.

    But is the UN an authorative voice on legal judgements? The UN doesn't recognise the sovereignty of Taiwan, even though it's justification for soveriegnty is less dubious than Israel's
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #563 - June 09, 2010, 07:59 PM

    please explain ur avatar mrsilly

    Its the picture of Abdul Kareen Amer, the Egyptian blogger who was imprisoned for insulting Islam and Hosni Mubarak.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #564 - June 09, 2010, 08:08 PM

    cool, thanks

    was curious

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #565 - June 09, 2010, 08:31 PM

    He's also a personal friend
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #566 - June 09, 2010, 09:20 PM

    The massacres aren't really relevant, because there were massacres done by both sides. In fact, there were massacres of Jews before there were any massacres of Arabs.

    I was responding to ygalg who said that the expulsion of Arabs a was a military necessity at the time. The links I provided demonstrate that many non-resistant Arab towns were evacuated under direct orders of Ben-Gurion. The links also show that the expulsion of Arabs from Palestine was always a cornerstone of Zionism.

    And I fully support allowing them to claim their properties in these countries or move back there. No question about that.

    there was no Palestine then nor now. perhaps in the future we may introduce to a new entity called Palestine. in the meantime the only Palestine exist it's in Texas.
    it was admitted by the founders of the idea Palestine, that it was no more than to be a tool for greater purpose.

    Do you mean as a state? because Iraq was not established as a modern state until 1932. But it was always known as Iraq.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #567 - June 09, 2010, 10:14 PM

    not enough Arabs plundered land from the Jews, the jews were kicked out from other plundered lands by arabs. and you suggesting to punish the Jews?
    not the Jews need to move. the Arabs need to. enough with pallywood.
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #568 - June 09, 2010, 11:09 PM

    I was responding to ygalg who said that the expulsion of Arabs a was a military necessity at the time. The links I provided demonstrate that many non-resistant Arab towns were evacuated under direct orders of Ben-Gurion. The links also show that the expulsion of Arabs from Palestine was always a cornerstone of Zionism.

    And I fully support allowing them to claim their properties in these countries or move back there. No question about that.

    Do you mean as a state? because Iraq was not established as a modern state until 1932. But it was always known as Iraq.

    I responded in my previous post over expulsion.

    interestingly that you preaching not to play with 1.5 million while have no problem do so with 6 million???
    I have a better idea it's time for Arabs to pack up and return to their origins to the land from where they truly came from arabia. israel is not it. imo this is the ideal solution.

    regional name. referring semantics do you know the name origin?
  • Re: Isrealis attack Aid Convoy ships
     Reply #569 - June 09, 2010, 11:31 PM

    Why does this tragedy justify the creation of a Jewish state? Create a state for Gypsies? Bahai?

    It doesn't justify it. It necessitates it.

    Am not entirely sure how this is relevant. So Palestinian are punished twice; first for having their sovereignty violated by British colonists, then then having that lack of soverignty used as a reason for them to have their land stolen.
    To start, the colonialism was illegitimate, therefore their lack of sovereinty was illigitimate, and it is therefore not a legitimate reason to justify Jewish immigrants' carving up of the territory.

    Agreed which is why I said "Israel shouldn't have been established. At least not in the way it was".

    I don't think it is a better analogy, because the Kurdish indepdendance issue is a issue of national liberation and self determination of a region from central government. Israel was created out of Arab territory to be flooded with Jewish immigrants. Hardly comparable to the issue facing Iraqi Kurds.

    In 1947 a significant percentage of the population was Jewish and they owned a significant portion of the land. They didn't share their language or culture with the Arabs so an analogy is valid.

    A better analogy of the Iraq/Kurdistan situation to Israel/Palestine would be the creation of an Arab state from the city of Mosul.

    Ninevah is not part of Kurdistan so I don't get your point.

    And again, who/what determine's this feasibility of what the best Palestinians can get?

    A brief look at the recent history of the negotiations.

    And who is making the just solutions unimplementable?

    Israel with the support of the US, Hamas and Palestinian terrorism, and the inflammatory rhetoric on both sides. Although "just" is subjective.

    And what is preventing this just solution from being realised?

    Same as above but I would add the issue of the Jews who were forced to leave Arab and Muslim lands.

    Erm, the land of the State of Irael was occupied in 1948. How is that any different from the aquisition of land in 1967

    Not all of it. Much of the land was purchased lawfully. East Jerusalem has always been a predominantly Arab region.

    Under international law or international legal opinion?

    But is the UN an authorative voice on legal judgements? The UN doesn't recognise the sovereignty of Taiwan, even though it's justification for soveriegnty is less dubious than Israel's

    Not authoritative but could be used as a guideline.

    He's also a personal friend

    Sorry to hear that. Are you Egyptian yourself?
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