That is why we have contraceptives such as condom and other paraphernalia but if that is enough to discourage you then cool.
Anyway im still curious to know why Pureinertia made that statement.
I was waiting for this exact answer to pop up and this is what the religionists uses to encourage abstinence on people until they find someone they can settle with and marry rather than focus on why it is ethically wrong. Of course nothing is wrong with settling down and marrying someone that is worth being with but i dont think its right to thrust this reason on people just to encourage abstinence mostly because(not that im assuming this is the direction you are heading towards to,probably you may have another reason);
-Its not everyone that is cut out for monogamous relationship and be a parent
-Its not only through sex that one can catch HIV and AIDS, one can get it even through barbing.
However, regarding STD i can acknowledge that being promiscous is like playing a russian roulette in this century but with contraceptives,chances of getting STDs and getting some pregnant are less same reason for one who doesnt smoke has a less risk of getting cancer but we have seen people who dont smoke getting cancer.
Anyway granted, that one is at the risk of exposing themselves to HPV,there are ways to prevent it by vaccination and a female condom can provide a greater protection than the male ones as it allows less skin contact plus we have microbicides if applied to the genitals prior to sexual contact.
Also unless your partner doesnt really like you and wants to kill you, i dont see why that victim would have sex with you or not even warn you about it.
I'm sorry, but all 3 of these posts seem to show you saying that because condoms and other stuff exist, anyone advising not to be promiscuous must be religionists who care about abstinence.
Also you have sort of maintained a stance of "yes but this is why we have condoms" until pressured to admit it isn't totally effective.
I mean this is your op right:
Do you find it immoral?
If so, why do you consider it as a bad thing aside from the pregnancy and STDs(i know some will bring that up but they can be prevented nowadays)
If not, whats the upside of it?.
some can some can't.
If I'm wrong about it then fair enough. but it did sound to met like you were trying to attack any suggestion that condoms aren't effective enough to keep you safe, as religionist abstinence bullshit.