Ah, so you answer to 'coward' but not to directly worded questions. Intriguing.
Your answers to the following, please:
You're in no position to demand respect for prophets, some invisible being whose existence you cannot hope to prove, or for a dubious work of poetry disguising itself as wisdom for the ages. People command respect by what they do, and not because of what they believe.
In demanding something unearned, by the way, you're showing a poor example. What respect do you suppose that entitles you to?
The fact remains that the ijma3 contends that the death penalty is explicitly compulsory for apostates. Where terrorism and treason - where the definition of these acts excludes apostasy - is punishable by death, what should apostasy have to do with it?
What notion of fairness do you subscribe to that permits you to consider killing someone for disbelief, compounded or not?
Some of us have come to the distinct impression that we were systematically lied to.
What entitles you to argue that such people should not speak?
I've even bolded the important bits for you. Thanks in advance.