Did you miss the abuse I directed your way in my long post? I hid it within a large bloc of text deliberately. It confirms my impression that spotty-faced little chits can't read anything more challenging than emoticons. Teapot missed the allusion to himself as well. Dumb bitches.

I am sorry to disappoint you, I am neither a spotty faced chit nor a cow worshiper.Sometimes a diarrhea of words can be elegantly condensed to what is suggested by an emoticon. Like a mini skirt it tickles your imagination and keeps you focused. Of course it may offend the senses of someone who scoffs at brevity when it comes to words but doesn't waste any time to get 'crack'in at the sight of a hairy Fatima or a catamite.
A man converts because in the first instance to the last, something in him clicks, masses of endorphins are released and off he goes running after that Good Feeling. Whatever support there is for the position newly adopted is cobbled together later. The gut decides, the brain opines.
In that case he is better off furiously masturbating every time he needs a high,no weird dogmas to mess up his brain,no retrospective apologia. A Good feeling of the person, by the person, for the person!Endorphins on demand anywhere,any time!
You need a fully functional brain to have the clarity of vision to spot great solutions like these when your gut tends to prefer nonsensical routes that are inimical to your sanity in the long run.
What ever gave you the idea that truth is joyless? In your numerous true expeditions of breast sucking ,haven't you discovered that true,natural breasts taste and give more pleasure than silicone implanted ones? How liberating the truth is for a gullible woman who has been conned into believing otherwise!Just imagine ! the exhilaration of a poor guy, with an average size penis, who discovers the
truth of the irrelevance of penis size,when he actually drives his partner crazy by focusing on the job at hand,instead of worrying about the size of his dick.
As a person who has a natural aversion to pseudos, I am perforce 'condemned' to seek the truth. The ecstasy that I experience when I hit pay dirt at times makes the quest worthwhile.The great joy of discovery of
true emotions in people ,meaningful endeavors results in a volcanic eruption of endorphins within my system.
In times of drought of course I have my tool in hand to kick start the endorphin flow!
What more could a guy want? Pure ,unadulterated pleasure! aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
That is what is particularly important, unless you happen to be a supergenius.
Come now! ateapotist don't be so modest.This forum needs a super genius,the spot for 'Great Philosopher' is all ready taken though,so forget that label!