Yeah, women being generally less rational than men are normally harder to convince that there is no God
Firstly, wrong, but secondly, you don't need to leave Islam for purely rational reasons, you can leave for emotional ones too.
I find it easier to convince women than men, because I don't go down the rational route anyway, I appeal to their emotions since islam squashes them in ways I know I can use to get them to see what they need to see.
I find men harder to convince because they get far more out of Islam, than a woman does. Infact why should a man leave Islam at all since he gets 4 wives, total obediance, doesn't need to cover up like a woman, has free choices to a certain extent? how many "cavemen" would find that appealing?
Hmm, maybe because you are a man you find convincing men easier, as I do with women, interesting.