Since when do you, me, or anyone have the right to decide, who is worthy of having babies, or of having a life? They did that stuff in Nazi-Germany, and well-meaning Scandinavia, and some states in the US. It´s called "Eugenics". NO.
So a crackhead who keeps giving birth to drug addicted babies that the state has to look after, is "worthy" of having kid after kid after kid?
If not sterilisation why do they not put a coil in her after the 6th baby?
I'm not saying only whites deserve to live a la nazi germany, just that there should be a limit of some sort on crakheads and junkies being able to have baby after baby that the state has to care for, that cost much more in medical care, it's just so heartbreaking how many kids that no one wants are a result of some junkie who cared more about a fix than her kids.
Which leads me onto why don't they make adoption easier for people who are willing to care for these babies?
Why do white couples insist on a white baby only, whats wrong with having a black baby? or a mixed race baby, isn't a baby a baby, and if your childless isn't any baby ok?
(excuse my ramblings
I repeat - do I, you, the state or whoever have the right to cut her tubes? "Insert a coil"? Yeah, why waste money on no-count losers? On comatose elderly? Why give my hard-earned tax-euros to those who don´t give anything back? The PRINCIPLE is the same, whether it´s about jews (or alcoholics, "habitual criminals", roma) in Nazi Germany, or crack-addicts anywhere else.
Adoption is hard in the interest of kids... there is NO problem to find adoptive parents for ANY kind of baby - leastways, not in Germany, and not if the baby is healthy - there are about 50 couples for every child that gets put up for adoption. Trouble is, that there aren´t enough babies to go round, and nobody wants the older ones, the handicapped ones... all want a cuddly, healthy newborn.