Hmm, it wasnt that hard actually. Just from the first few pages, we get this kind of shit:
It is called "applying a double standard" - a common practice of Muslims which some ostensibly EX-members of the faith do not seemed to have been able to discard.
And I am sure, Muslim, that your love for him is fully reciprocated. You have a particular soft spot for the followers of Muhammad don't you Q?
My accusation that you are applying an Islamesque double standard in saying that non-Muslim objectors to halal "should" do this or that whilst stipulating no "shoulds" for Muslims is open and clear.
Deliberately misrepresenting what your detractors have actually said: another Muslim tendency you need to work on expunging.
Trying to caricature your detractors as wacko conspiracy theorists is of course an Islamic habit you have not been able to entirely expunge from your modus operandi.
Interesting residual Muslim characteristic of accusing your detractors of what you are primarily guilty btw.
People like Hasan are in a state of denial. They do not want to acknowledge that those still-Muslims they hold so dear are part and parcel of the same overarching movement as the "Islamists". They are lying to themselves and seeking to get non-Muslims to buy into the lie.
Here again you are resorting to such standard Islamic "debating" tactics as accusing your detractors of mental problems rather than seeking to intelligently tackle the points they raise.
But there are clearly a considerable number of ostensible ex-Muslims here, like hasan, who still retain certain behavioral propensities from their days as fervent cult members - notably the tendency to "get personal" with people who express views they don't like but can't effectively counter through reasoned argument.
It is in fact the Cult of Non-Political (or moderate) Islam - which is held up here as the great hope against "political Islam". I argue against this view and hold that such a distinction between Islams is spurious...
I think I see a pattern emerging...
I can't be bothered to go back further than that.